Thanksgiving - time to put the scale away!

Thanksgiving.  A time when family gathers, and the food prepared seems to be able to feed 10 times the number of people that show up.   


And some people don’t just have one Thanksgiving.  Some visit 1-3 homes that day, partaking in several feasts. 


If you are working with one of our coaches, you’ve been provided ways to hit your macro prescription.  Use the scale.  Weigh and measure your food.  


However on this day, put that scale away.   Seriously.  You are hereby granted one day where you are free from second guessing yourself and what you are eating!


If your coach has you in a calorie deficit (if your goal is to lose body fat, chances are your coach has you in a calorie deficit), then this is also the perfect day to have a “day off.” 


You can even think of it as a refeed.  By refeed, we are referring to a brief restoration to maintenance level calories.  I know, refeeds are typically higher in carbohydrates, but a day of higher calories in general still has benefits!  If you just started working with a coach this week, its ok.  You still need a break. 


Unless you are preparing for a body comp show, or a competition over the weekend, you don’t want to be the weirdo at the dinner table with a scale at your side, measuring 5 ounces of white meat turkey, 10 grams of butter, and ½ cup of mashed potatoes.  You can go back to that on Friday.  But for this day, enjoy time with your family.


You can also use this day as a mental experiment. 


How did you feel the next day? 


How did you sleep Thursday night? 


How did your training go through the weekend? 

Go ahead and weigh yourself on Friday.  Then weigh again the following Friday.  You will find that the one day did not knock you back at all.  Heck, you might have gained a little ground towards your goals.

Think of it this way.  You didn’t gain all this weight that you want to lose - in one day.  And you won’t lose all the weight, or get abs after one clean meal.   

Now go get that second piece of pie!