Welcome to Your Team 

Brett Freliche


In high school my limited exposure to nutrition was focused on making weight for wrestling meets.  Even then it was more about how much to eat, rather than quality.  Other than doing the Atkins Diet in college, I didn't really get into nutrition until I started CrossFit six years ago.  My wife and I did a "Paleo Challenge" at the gym and that was our first experience focusing on our diet.  After completing the Paleo Challenge, I worked at a gym in Santa Cruz that really promoted the Zone Diet.  It wasn't until I worked with a personal nutrition coach that I felt like I really dialed in my nutrition.  I found the more I understood why I was doing something, the better I adhered to the plan.  In the Spring of 2017, it was time to make a career change.  I dove into nutrition education.  I love educating people about their nutrition, the why and how things work.  As my mentor drilled into me, Education Drives Compliance


  • NASN Licensed Primary Sports Nutritionist

  • NCI Nutrition Coaching Specialist Level 1

  • NCI Hormone Specialist Level 1

  • NCI Mindset Specialist

  • Precision Nutrition Certified Level 1

  • CrossFit Trainer Level 2

  • CrossFit Masters Trainer

Wes Piatt


Natalie Talbert


Dialing in nutrition has changed my life. Growing up, I had severe eczema and my doctors told me it was something I would deal with the rest of my life. It wasn’t until I found CrossFit and someone suggested I eliminate grains and dairy from my diet, that I realized the doctors were wrong! While the change to my diet was originally for performance in the gym, a side effect was watching my skin clear up. This is what peaked my interest into the possibilities of how nutrition could help others.
Since 2010, I have worked with everyone from Regional athletes for performance, to moms and dads wanting to solve health issues. Each case is unique and it’s the personal relationship I form with my clients that makes each transformation special. 
I love coaching people into healthy habits and using my experience to help my clients reach their goals.


  • Owner of Coast Range CrossFit

  • CrossFit HQ Level 1 Seminar Staff

  • CrossFit Certified Trainer (L3)

  • CrossFit Masters Trainer

  • 2013 CrossFit Games Athlete

  • 2011-2017 CrossFit Regionals Athlete


  • CrossFit Trainer Level 2

  • RKC

  • Precision Nutrition Certified Level 1